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Trina Griffin

Trina Griffin

Define river regime


































When interpreting such records of discharge, it is important to factor in the time scale over which the average monthly values were calculated.This is the event that causes significant erosion and deposition and determines the channel morphology.The characteristics of the plain nival (example: Simme at Oberwi ) are.By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.Wikipedia? is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.Simple regime is where all rivers have one peak discharge per year.The influences diminish extreme discharges and increase the regularity of the mean monthly discharge from upstream to downstream EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















River regime - Wikipedia

define river regime
Image source: upload.wikimedia.org

The variability in discharge over the course of a year is commonly represented by a hydrograph with mean monthly discharge variations plotted over the annual time scale.Alex US English Daniel British Karen Australian Veena Indian How to say river regime in sign language.When interpreting such records of discharge, it is important to factor in the time scale over which the average monthly values were calculated.The latter is described by the fact that the discharge through a river of an approximate rectangular cross-section must, through conservation of mass, equal.This is the event that causes significant erosion and deposition and determines the channel morphology.There are obviously specific signs for many words available in sign language that are more appropriate for daily usage.Empirically-derived relationships between depth, slope, and velocity are.Search for Song lyrics containing the word river regime Search for river regime on Amazon Search for river regime on Google

define river regime
Image source: upload.wikimedia.org

What does river regime mean? Information and translations of river regime in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.net dictionary.Definition of river regime in the Definitions. Meaning of river regime

Hydrographs & River Regimes

4.It could also be interrupted by another peak in discharge if there si a secondary rainfall event following the first event. 4.The Blue Nile and White Nile merge together in the city of Khartoum in Sudan.Vegetation type and coverage plays a big role, with forests intercepting more rainfall than grasses.Snowfall is another factor to take into account, river levels fall in the UK as precipitation is often stored as snow during cold snaps.The Nile River is often associated with Egypt, but it in fact flows through 11 countries: Tanzania, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan and Egypt.These units are known as CUMECs (CUbic Metres per sECond). 2.The Clyde is also more variable in its flow rates in winter too.Gentle slopes or flat land allow water to penetrate into the soil and increase lag times and reduce peak discharges 3. River regime.

River Flow Regimes | EARTH 111: Water: Science and Society

Thus, natural flow regimes can be somewhat variable between nearby watersheds.Rivers in many tropical climates have similar flow regime characteristics as mountain rivers, due to predictable rainy and dry seasons.Learning Designer: April Millet, The Pennsylvania State University.In contrast, rivers in arid regions are often characterized by high magnitude, short duration floods of low predictability and high flashiness (e.Please send comments or suggestions on accessibility to the site editor.Large rivers tend to be less flashy than small streams, which respond more quickly to individual precipitation events.For example, rivers draining high mountains, such as the Logan River, tend to have relatively infrequent, high magnitude, long duration, and predictable flood events that have a slow rate of change (Figure 6 on the previous page). Hydrographs & River Regimes.


define river regime
Image source: upload.wikimedia.org

Most of the rain falls onto the land rather than directly into the river.Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker.The information can easily be shown on a graph.This is because most of the precipitation in the Alps during the winter falls as snow.The water then will make its way into the river and you can use a hydrograph to see how quickly this occurs.River regimes will also reflect the area that they are in.By looking at the peak rainfall and comparing it with the peak discharge you can work out the lag-time (the time between the two peaks).During the spring months, when the snow melted, the discharge of the Alpine river shows an incredible increase, which often leads to flooding problems.This means there is less chance of flooding occurring.The information could then also be used to plan the most appropriate form of flood prevention scheme for that particular river. In contrast a British river wil slowly reduces its discharge throughout the drier summer months, until the autumn.

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Discharge Regime

define river regime
Image source: upload.wikimedia.org

The information could then also be used to plan the most appropriate form of flood prevention scheme for that particular river. Those drainage basins with shallower slopes, and greater vegetation cover will infiltrate the water more, and release it at a slower rate into the river. For example: The regime of an Alpine stream, has a minimal discharge compared to that of a British stream during the winter. During the year in Britain, it would be expected that the discharge of most rivers would be greater in winter months than in the summer. The water then will make its way into the river and you can use a hydrograph to see how quickly this occurs. Some, with steep slopes and little vegetation, will rise very quickly, and can be described as a "flashy river". The information can easily be shown on a graph.




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